Friday, August 19, 2011

We are Self Correcting

         One great thing about people on my team ("evolutionists"/atheists/etc.) is that we are self correcting. Throughout history, there have been a few evolutionary biologists who have made and forged fossils in order to get rich and famous. However those forgeries were disproven in due time by "evolutionists" (I'm using that term lightly). Creationists use those forgeries to support their own case that evolution is false but of course they keep forgetting that it was people on OUR team who disproved them.

          I made an experiment recently where I tried my best to photoshop a bumper sticker on my car which read "I learned everything I need to know about evolution from the holocaust" and I tried my best to act as though it was a ligitimate creationist/christian car bumper sticker. I  made a video about it. Most people believed it, as I assumed, but naturally there were a few people who spotted it as fake right away. This all happened within a 24 hour timeframe of the videos release; and my youtube channel isn't even that big. And the greatest part about that is, I'm pretty sure the people who figured out it was fake and exposed it as fake were atheists. People on MY team.

         So what does that tell you? No there is not a conspiracy of scientists pushing an agenda to make everyone believe in evolution. You've seen a peer review right before your very eyes. Even with the smallest details and most insignificant findings, like my fake finding of what a creationist supposedly said, people on my own team will pounce on that and prove it wrong. That's because we are self correcting and don't just believe things because they support our case.

(since I didn't have the means to actually forge a fossil, like I had in mind, I forged something in photoshop to make creationists sound even dumber. That bumper sticker, I think, is one thing that not even creationists would say)

here's the video

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