Sunday, November 20, 2011

We are Primates

The following is the entire post from Ray Comfort's blog, broken up, with my commentary in between. His words are in quotes.

"“180” is unique from other pro-life movies in that it appeals to the intuitive knowledge that God has given to human beings."

No. It appeals to emotion and the exploitation of loaded questions and false analogies.

"We are not primates as so many of this Darwin-embracing generation believe.  Man is above the beasts in that he has a sense of justice and truth. Animals don’t care about setting up court systems and punishing wrong-doing."
We are primates in every way possible. Primate does not mean shitflinging monkey. Look up what primate means and be amazed. 'Justice' isn't a sense and neither is 'truth,' so no it doesn't set us apart from animals. We have bigger brains and stronger nervous systems and therefore are able to discover more aspects of the universe. Animals don't care about setting up court systems. True. Congrats on that.

"That is unique to human beings because we are made in the image of God. We intuitively know that it’s wrong to lie, steal, commit adultery, and to murder."

Yeah because think of how many of us would be around if 150,000 years ago, murder wasn't frowned upon. Please..

"When a person has been brainwashed into being pro-choice—believing that the baby that is growing in the womb isn’t a baby, then termination of this substance isn’t murder at all."
When a person has been brainwasehd into being pro-life-- believing that the substance that is growing in the womb is actually a person, then termination of this person is indeed murder. Gasp!!!

"However, when the person becomes convinced that a “fetus” is a human being, the conscience begins to do its God-given duty and say “You shall not kill.” It’s then up to the individual as to whether or not he or she will listen to its voice."
There's a difference between something that is genetically considered a "human" and something that is considered a "person."

"Notice that this person (after watching it three times) said that her “perspective” changed.  Allow me to change your mind about something of which I think you are probably sure, by giving you another perspective.  Where is up? If you are normal, you will probably point above your head.  But someone from New Zealand (down-under) would tell you that you are actually pointing down.  We live on a big ball called “earth,” and up and down don’t really exist. They are relative to where you are standing on this earth.  This new information gives you knowledge so that you can see things from a different perspective, and therefore change your mind about something of which you were sure a few minutes earlier."

I'm pro-life now

"That’s what “180” does. It gives new information and that gives people another perspective, causing them to change their minds about something of which they were sure just a few minutes earlier."
I think 180 is preaching to the choir. If it changed your mind, great. More power to you. I guess loaded questions and appeals to emotion are still alive and well.

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