Friday, October 28, 2011

It is ok to kill a baby in the womb when...

In Ray Comfort's and Living Waters' "180" movie- which is a slimy propaganda machine aimed at comparing abortion to the holocaust, possibly the largest expression of Godwin's Law since Expelled- Ray Comfort often engaged his interviewees with the following gesture:

"Complete this sentence: It is ok to kill a baby in the womb when..."

And of course, this is a psychotic leading statement. He got what he wanted nearly every time, and that was for people to say "It's never ok to kill a baby in the womb, oh, wait" and then Ray Comfort can go "Ha!! Gotcha!!" and proceed with spreading his pro-life message.

Don't get me wrong, I don't disrespect people solely for their beliefs in pro-lifeness. I'm pro-choice, and if you're pro-life, that's perfectly fine. I just tend to have a problem with people using deceitful techniques to manipulate people.

Sure, I can go on and say "It is ok to kill a baby in the womb when..." and then say ".. no 'when,' just it is ok to kill a baby in the womb, period." And I would love to hear Comfort's reaction to that one.

But no, I would not say that, nor is that where I'm going. When it comes to leading statement, two can play at that game.

If a person ever comes up to you and tries to sway you into their beliefs by saying "It is ok to kill a baby in the womb when..." you can simply follow it up by asking them similar questions like:

It is ok to drown nearly every man, woman, and child on the planet if...
It is ok to burn your daughter alive when...
It is ok to cut off a perfectly healthy woman's hand against her will when...
It is ok to RAPE a woman if...

And if they say none of those things are ok.. then gosh.. they are saying that things which are perfectly excusable, tolerated, or permitted in the bible.. are wrong. How can this be?

Don't believe me? Here are the references-
It is ok to drown nearly every man, woman, and child on the planet if... (Noah's flood story)
It is ok to burn your daughter alive when... (Lev 21:9)
It is ok to cut off a perfectly healthy woman's hand against her will when...(Deut 25:11-12)
It is ok to RAPE a woman if... (Deut 22:28-29)

Yes, each one of those are defended IN the bible. Go ahead and watch them play the "out of context" card when Deuteronomy says you can get out of rape by paying the father of the woman you raped as well as marrying her.

I digress...

It is ok to kill a baby in the womb when... you're pro-choice.

There you go. Problem solved.

Monday, October 3, 2011

God helps those who help themselves.

You have three choices
- Help yourself, god helps you = stuff gets done
- Help yourself, god doesn't help you = stuff gets done
- Don't help yourself, god doesn't help you = stuff doesn't get done
That phrase kinda forbids the act of god helping you if you don't help yourself.

There's an interesting and DIRECT correlation between helping yourself and stuff getting done.
Additionally, this is an unnecessarily selfless phrase in which one gives God the credit for something that he or she did themselves.

Of course this phrase isn't even in the bible so my interpretation should not upset anyone.